EPISODE 143 - Love Child, Part 2

Previously on DALLAS....

--------------------Katherine arrived in Dallas and came face to face with her other two children, Brian and Katelyn.

--------------------Still on the run from the police, Peter Love contacted his sister Donna, and asked her to meet him. 

--------------------Brian tormented Katherine and Austin psychologically while holding them at gunpoint.

--------------------Donna Love met Peter, who told her why he murdered Brittany, and revealed a shocking secret:  Brittany had given birth to his son 22 years ago!  When Donna refused to help him escape, Peter pulled a gun on his sister.

-------------------During a cook out at Southfork, Shawn told John Ross that Tripp was working on a big deal for Westar.

-------------------Catlin proposed to Sue Ellen, who happily accepted.

-------------------Krystina discovered that she was pregnant.

-------------------Sue Ellen received the devastating news that Dusty Farlow had died.

The Omni Hotel....

"Aunt Marley, are you sure you're doing the right thing?"  Bridget McKinnon asks her aunt as Marley Hudson is about to leave to go meet Peter.


"No, Bridget, I'm not,"  Marley replies.  "But this is the only thing I know to do.  Peter wanted money in exchange for letting your grandmother go."


"You said that Uncle Peter would never hurt Grandmother."


Marley pauses and looks at her niece for a moment.  "Bridget, I know what I said."


"But now you think he would hurt her?"  Bridget asks.


"No, I don't.  Not if he doesn't have to.  That's why I have to do what he says.  Bridget, I don't want you to worry. I'll be back soon, with your grandmother."


"Aunt Marley, I'm coming with you."


"NO,"  Marley says, adamantly.  "I need you to stay here."




"Bridget, listen to me.  Peter sounded........different.  Not at all like the man I've known.  I pray to God he's still in enough of his right mind that he doesn't hurt your grandmother, but, I'm not going to take a chance of him hurting you.  He wants money to get out of Dallas, and he said when he gets it, he'll let your grandmother go.  I have to do what he says."


"And you'll be aiding and abetting a fugitive, Aunt Marley,"  Bridget says.  "Uncle Peter may be family, but he's a murderer."


Marley looks at her niece and sighs.  "I know.  Maybe between the two of us, Donna and I can get him to turn himself in."


Bridget, near tears, looks at her.  "Aunt Marley, I'm scared."


"I know, sweety.  So am I.  But everything is going to be okay.  Just stay here and wait, and I'll call you."  Marley kisses the girl on the forehead, then starts to leave.  As she opens the door to her hotel suite, she is surprised to find a dark haired young man standing there about to knock.  "May I help you?"  She asks.


"Hello, Marley, it's been a long time,"  the young man says.


"Eric?"  Marley asks.


"That's right.  It's been a long time.


"Yes, it has.  I think you were about 11 the last time I saw you."


"12, actually.  Now, can you tell me what the hell is going on with my father, and just how serious is this trouble he's gotten himself into."


Marley looks at her young cousin, unsure of how to tell him about what a huge mess his father has gotten into....

Sue Ellen's home....

 Sue Ellen and Catlin walk into her home that night after returning from the cook out at Southfork.  Sue Ellen walks straight into the living room, still in shock after hearing the news of Dusty Farlow's death.  


"Sue Ellen?"  Catlin says.  "Are you alright?"


She hesitates a moment before answering.  "I'm not really sure."


"I'm very sorry, about Dusty Farlow.  I know how much he meant to you."


"Dusty was a very big part of my life, off and on, for many years,"  Sue Ellen says sadly.  "I just can't believe he's really gone."


"I'm sorry that this news came on the heels of our engagement, and the news of Krystina's pregnancy."


"So am I.  Catlin, I'm sorry, too.  Sorry that this news spoiled our wonderful evening."


"It happens,"  Catlin says.  "Did that lawyer say anything about Dusty's funeral?"


"Yes.  It's going to be in a few days.   He said he'd get back to me on a day and time."


"I know you'll want to go."




Catlin walks over and takes her by the hand.  "Darling, is there anything I can do for you?"


Sue Ellen shakes her head.  "No.  Catlin, would you mind?  I'd like to be by myself for a little while."


"Of course,"  Catlin says.  "I'm gonna go on upstairs and take a shower.  I'll see you upstairs whenever you're ready.  Take as much time as you need."


"Thank you.  I love you so much."


"And I love you."  He kisses her, then turns and leaves the room


After Catlin is gone, Sue Ellen walks over to the fireplace, puts her hand  on the mantle, and thinks back in time, to a day many years ago, in the autumn of 1979, to the day she first met a young cowboy named Dusty Farlow....

"Dusty,"  Sue Ellen says softly, her mind returning to the present.  "Dusty," she says again as she begins to cry.

The Omni Hotel....

 "Eric, come in,"  Marley says, inviting her cousin into her hotel suite.  "Eric, this is my niece, Bridget McKinnon. Bridget, this is your cousin, Eric Love."


"You're Uncle Peter's son?"  Bridget asks.


"Yes, I am."


"Eric, how did you know we were here?"  Marley asks.


"It wasn't hard,"  Eric replies.  "When I heard a little something about what was going on with my Dad, and when I found out you guys were here in Dallas, I did some checking.  The Omni and the Hyatt Regency are the two best hotels in Dallas, and, knowing what I know about my Aunt Donna, I knew she'd be at one or the other.  So, when I arrived, I told the desk clerk I was Ms. Love's nephew, and he told me what suite she was in.  So come on and tell me.  What the hell is going on with my father?"


Marley and Bridget exchange looks.  "Eric,"  Marley says.  "The trouble your father is in......is very serious."


"So it's true that he's wanted for murder?"  Eric asks.


"Yes, it's true."


"Aunt Marley was on her way to meet Uncle Peter when you arrived,"  Bridget says, inviting a harsh look from Marley.  


"You were going to meet my father?"


"Yes.  Donna is with Peter, and he wants money to get out of Dallas in exchange for letting her go."


"What?  Are you telling me that.......that my father has kidnapped your mother?"


"I'm afraid so."


"Where is my father?"  Eric asks.  "I'm coming with your to see him."

Katelyn Spencer's apartment....

 "Well, that was a really good dinner,"  Jimmy says as he and Katelyn finish up their dinner at her apartment that evening.


"Thanks,"  Katelyn says with a smile.  "I know how much you love chicken casserole."


"Yeah, I do."


"Well, now that we're finished, why don't we go into the living room and watch a movie, or......NOT watch a movie?"


Jimmy looks at her for a moment.  "Yeah, we could, uh, go into the living room.  But, instead of a movie, we should talk."


"Okay,"  Katelyn says.  She and Jimmy get up from the table and walk into the living room, taking seats on the sofa.  "I'm so glad you came over this evening," she says.  "We haven't had a chance to spend any time together lately."


"I know,"  says Jimmy.  "I was really busy with finals and everything."


"Speaking of which, I'm REALLY glad this semester is over.  It was a tough one.  So, maybe now that we're done with school for the summer, we can spend a lot more time together."


 "Umm, Katie, that's what I wanted to talk to you about,"  Jimmy says.  


"I have an idea.  Tomorrow is Sunday, so why don't we have a picnic?"


"Katie, I........look, I really don't know how to say this except to come right out and say it.  Y'know, these last couple months have been pretty good between us.  And I like you.  I do."


"I like you, too, Jimmy,"  Katelyn says.   "More than you could ever know."


Jimmy looks at her for a second.  "Katie, what I'm trying to say is.......I like you, but, not in THAT way.  I really like you as a friend, but that's all.  In fact, I've met someone else that I

really like."


"You've met someone else?"  Katelyn asks.  "That Sage girl?"


"Yes.  Sage and I have been spending a lot of time together lately, and I really like her, a lot.  Katie, I'm really sorry.  I never meant to hurt you."

By now Katelyn has tears streaming down her face.  "It's a little late for that," she says.  


"I'm sorry."


"Why, Jimmy?  Things were going so great between us.  What does SHE have that I don't have?"


"I........Katie, I honestly can't explain that.  Believe me, it's not you.  I tried.  I REALLY tried to be into you like that, but, I just couldn't."


"We slept together,"  Katelyn says.  "I gave myself to you."


"I know, and......"


"Last year it was Amanda, and now, it's THIS girl?  Why?  Jimmy, what did I do wrong?  What have I done to make you not love me?  Or maybe a better question would be, what could I do to make you love me?"


"Katie, you can't make someone love you when the feelings just aren't there,"  Jimmy says.  


"So you feel nothing for me?  Nothing at all?"  Katelyn asks in tears.  


"I do feel something for you, Katie.  I feel friendship.  Katie, you are SUCH a beautiful girl.  You deserve to be with someone who feels as deeply for you as you do for them.  And I'm really sorry that couldn't be me."


Katelyn stands from her seat, her back to Jimmy.  She remains silent for a few seconds.  "Jimmy," she says, turning back to face him.  "Please........I'll do anything.  Whatever is wrong with me, whatever I'm not doing right, I'll fix it."


"Katie you didn't do anything wrong,"  Jimmy says, standing to face her.  "I really tried to develop stronger feelings for you, but, they just aren't there.  And I'm sorry if I've led you on."


"Jimmy, I love you,"  Katelyn cries.  "I've never felt this way about anyone before.  I love you so much."


"I'm so sorry.  I really am,"  Jimmy says.  "I'd better go."  Jimmy turns to leave.


"You'll never be happy with her,"  Katelyn says angrily.  "I'll make sure of that."


Jimmy stops and turns back to her.  "What did you just say?"


"You're never going to be happy with that little bitch, Sage."


Jimmy looks at her angrily.  "Okay, that's it.  I was feeling sorry for hurting you, but if you're gonna take THAT attitude, then, go to hell."


"I wonder how a rape charge will affect your already precarious legal situation,"  Katelyn says.




"You're out on bail on a charge of attempted murder.  If I go to the cops and say you raped me, I'm sure they'd revoke your bail in a split second."


"You wouldn't do that,"  Jimmy says.


"Just try me."


"You're completely out of your damned mind.  I'm glad that I came to my senses and that I didn't really fall in love with a psycho bitch like you,"  Jimmy says.  He turns and again starts to leave.


"Jimmy, NO," Katelyn says, grabbing him by the arm.  "Jimmy, I'm sorry.  I'm SO sorry. I didn't mean that.  I would never do anything to hurt you.  But Jimmy, I love you and I can't let you walk out of my life.  I WON'T let you walk out of my life."


"You don't have a choice,"  Jimmy says.  He forcefully removes Katelyn's hand from his arm, then angrily leaves the apartment.  


"JIMMY!!!!!!"   Katelyn yells after he leaves.  She breaks down in tears.  "Jimmy.....no......"  she says, falling to the floor, crying uncontrollably, as if she had just received news of a death.

Children's Hospital, Los Angeles....

 Christopher and Courtney step off the elevator on the fourth floor of the Children's Hospital in Los Angeles.  As they approach the nurse's desk, Adam Reed comes out of a room down the hall and sees them.  Angrily, Reed heads down the hall to confront them.


"Excuse me,"  Christopher says to a nurse at the desk.


"Yes, may I help you?" 


"We're looking for Jacob Reed, he was admitted for a minor injury."


"Jacob Reed?  Are you relatives?"


"What the HELL are you two doing here?"  Adam Reed asks, walking up behind them.


Christopher and Courtney turn to face him.  "We're here to see Jacob,"  Courtney replies.


"And how did you even know my son was here?"  Adam asks.


"We received a call from our attorney, who in turn received a call from your attorney informing him of Jacob's injury," replies Christopher.


"Is Jacob alright?"  Courtney asks.


"My son's health is none of your damned business," says an angry Adam.


"Courtney is that little boy's mother," says Christopher.


"My wife is Jacob's mother.  You are nothing to him."


"Well, it's not gonna be that way for much longer, when this custody case goes to court."


"If your think for one second that some expensive, high powered lawyer is going to help you take my son away from me, you have another thing coming!"


"What is going on?"  Jennifer Reed asks, walking up to the group.  "And what are THEY doing here?"





"We were informed that Jacob was in an accident, so I came to make sure that he's alright," says Courtney.

"My son is just fine, so you can leave now," Jennifer says.


"I'm not going anywhere until I see for myself," Courtney says.


"You're not getting anywhere near my son," says Jennifer.


"I am his biological mother.  You're only his adoptive mother, and not even a legal one at that."


"Why, you little....."


"Alright, hold it,"  Christopher says.  "This isn't getting us anywhere.  Look, Courtney just wants to see Jacob to make sure that he's alright."


"Jacob is FINE!"  Says an angry Adam.  "And if the two of you don't get the hell out of here, I'm calling the cops."


"Fine, go ahead,"  says Christopher.  "I'm sure the police will find it very interesting that two people aren't even that little boy's legal adoptive parents are trying to keep his birth mother from seeing him to make sure that he's okay after an accident."


Jennifer looks at her husband.  "Alright, you can see him, but only for a minute."


"NO way.  Absolutely NOT!"  Adam insists.


"Adam, we don't have a choice.  They could make a lot more trouble for us."


"They're already making trouble for us, Jennifer."


"Adam, please.  It'll only be for a  minute."


Adam looks angrily at his wife, then at the Ewings.  His rage building up inside of him, he turns and storms away in a huff.  Christopher and Courtney exchange worried looks, both puzzled and concerned about Adam Reed's outburst of anger.  


"This way, but ONLY for a minute,"  Jennifer says.  Christopher and Courtney follow her down the long hallway to the room at the end.  They walk into the room and find Jacob sitting up in bed.  "Sweety, you have some visitors,"  Jennifer says.


"Hello, Jacob,"  Courtney says with a smile.  "Do you remember us?"


"Sure, I remember you,"  the little boy answers.  "You came to our house once."


"That's right, we did.  I'm Courtney Ewing, and this is my husband, Christopher."


"Hi,"  Jacob says.


"Hi, Jacob,"  says Christopher.


"Are you friends of my Mom and Dad?"


"No, not exactly,"  replies Courtney.  "So how do you feel?  Are you okay?"


"I hurt my arm."


"How'd ya do that?"  Christopher asks.


"He fell off his bike,"  Jennifer replies very quickly, before Jacob has a chance to.


"You fell off your bike?"  Asks Courtney.


"Yes,"  Jennifer says, again not allowing Jacob to answer.  "He's a boy, and these things happen."


"Have you hurt yourself falling off your bike before?"  Christopher asks.


Jacob looks at Jennifer, then back at Christopher.  "A couple times," he says.


"Okay, you've seen him, you see that he's okay, now you need to leave,"  Jennifer says.  "Jacob is tired and he needs his rest."


Courtney looks at the child.  "Are you sure you're okay?"


Again, the child looks up at Jennifer before answering.  "I'm okay," he says.


"Now, please go,"  Jennifer says.


"Alright, we'll go, for now,"  Christopher says.  "Courtney, come on."


"Jacob, you take care of yourself, okay?"  


"I will."


Courtney smiles at him, then she and Christopher leave, a sad look on Courtney's face.  Jennifer follows them out of the room.  "Please don't try to see or contact my son again."


"We'll see you in court, Mrs. Reed,"  Courtney says.  She and Christopher walk away as a nervous Jennifer watches them.  The two get onto an elevator, and once the doors close, Jennifer goes back into Jacob's room.


"Christopher, something is wrong,"  Courtney tells her husband in the elevator.  "Something is REALLY off here.  Did you see how strange Jennifer Reed was acting?"


"Yeah, and she kept cutting Jacob off before he could answer our questions."


"I have this really weird feeling."


"Y'know, I think what worries me the most is how angry Adam Reed got.  Did you see the look in his eyes?"


"Yeah, I did,"  Courtney replies.  "Christopher.......what if Jacob's injuries weren't caused by a fall off his bike?  What if Adam Reed did that to him?"


Christopher looks at his wife, the same sickening thought crossing his own mind.

Love Field Inn, Dallas....

 Peter Love opens the door of a motel room on the outskirts of Dallas and finds Marley there.  "Thank you for coming," he says.  


"I'm not alone,"  Marley says.  


Peter is stunned when his son Eric steps up beside Marley.  "My God.  Eric.  What the hell are you doing here?"


"I came to see you, Dad,"  Eric replies, he and Marley walking into the room and seeing Donna Love sitting in a chair in one corner of the room.


"Donna, my God, are you alright?"  Marley asks her mother.  


"I'm fine.  Peter hasn't hurt me."





"Nor would I,"  Peter says.  "Donna's my sister, I would never harm her.  Eric, what are you doing here?"


"I saw on the news what was happening.  That you were wanted for some woman's murder.  Dad, I couldn't stay away."


"Eric, you shouldn't be here."

"Dad, I'm not going anywhere,"  Eric says.  "Not without you."


"Son, I have to....."


"What you have to do is give yourself up."


"I can't do that."


"Dad, this is crazy,"  Eric says.  "This is nuts.  There's no way you're gonna get out of this by running."


"It's the ONLY way,"  Peter says.  "Marley, do you have the money I asked you for?"


"Yes, I have it,"  Marley replies.  


"Peter, don't you realize what you're doing?"  Donna says.  "You're making us ALL accomplices in this mess that you've created for yourself.  The only way is for you to give yourself up, before you or someone else gets hurt."


"What, and spend the rest of my life in prison?"  Peter asks.  "Or maybe get the death penalty?  How the hell is that a good idea for me?"


"Dad, did you do it?"  Eric asks, fighting back tears.  "I have to know.  Did you kill this woman?"


Peter looks at his son for a moment.  "Eric.....I had no choice."


"Oh my God,"  the young man cries.  "WHY?  Why, Dad?  Why did you have no choice but to take someone's life?"


"Because Brittany.........Brittany was threatening to send me to prison.  She had something on me.  Something very serious that could've landed me in prison for many years."


"So you just killed her in cold blood to keep her quiet?"  Eric asks, now in tears.  


"I had no choice, son."


"Peter, you ALWAYS have a choice,"  Donna says, standing from her seat.  "I despised Brittany Peterson from the first day that I ever met that woman, but even she did not deserve this."


"Brittany was going to destroy my life!"


"And now you've done one hell of a job of that yourself."


"Marley......the money,"  Peter says, holding his hand out.  Marley hands him an envelope filled with cash.  "Thank you," he says.  "Eric, please, go back to San Francisco."


"There's no way I'm leaving here while you're in this mess,"  says Eric.  "Dad, is it true that this woman you killed.......you were married to her once?"


"Yes, I was.  Over 30 years ago."


Eric looks at his father for a moment, tears running down the young man's face.  "I can't believe it.  What happened to you?  You're not even the same man I've known as my father."


"Eric, son, please, try to understand that I had to do this.  I did it for you."


"For me?  For ME?  You want me to understand why you murdered a woman you were once married to?  And then you have the nerve to say that you did it for me?"


Peter chokes back tears as he looks at his son.  "I never wanted you to find out the truth.  I never wanted you to know what I had done."


"Peter, what is it that you did?"  Marley asks.  "What did Brittany have on you that could have sent you to prison?"


"Something I did when I was desperate for money,"  replies Peter.


"He sold illegal arms to terrorists,"  says Donna.


"You did WHAT?"  Marley asks in shock.


"Brittany was a part of the scheme.  She was threatening to turn me in."


"Oh my God,"  says a devastated Eric.  


"Donna, Marley........please, take my son out of here,"  Peter says.  "Take him with you and go.  Just go."


"And what about you?"  Donna asks.


"I have to try and get out of Dallas.  This money will help.  Look, I won't ask you to keep quiet about any of this.  I won't risk getting all of you in trouble.  All I ask is that you give me a bit of a head start.  Three hours, and by that time, I should be safely away.  Then, call the cops and tell them you've seen me.  Tell them I kidnapped Donna and forced you to give me money in exchange for letting her go."


"Dad, I'm begging you,"  Eric says.  "Please don't do this.  If you're caught....."


"I won't be caught,"  Peter tells his son, putting his hands on Eric's shoulders.  "If I get out of the country.  If I go someplace that doesn't have an extradition policy with the United States, I'll be fine.  I just have to get as far away from here as possible.  Go with Marley and your Aunt Donna.  When I get where I'm going, I'll call you."


"Eric, let's go,"  Marley says.


"You two wait outside for a moment,"  says Donna.  


"Dad, I love you,"  Eric says.


"And I love you,"  says Peter.


Marley and Eric walk out, closing the door behind them.  After they're gone, Donna looks at her brother.  "Your son loves you," she says.  "But just how long do you think Eric will feel that way when he learns the truth, Peter?  The ugly truth that you murdered his mother."


"By the time he finds out, I'll be long gone.  Out of all of your lives for good.  Take care of my son for me, Donna.  I'm begging you.  Eric is all I have left.  I'm not asking you not to tell him that Brittany was his mother.  He's bound to find that out anyway, sooner or later.  I'm just asking you to be there for him when he does find out.  He's going to need his family now, Donna.  Please be his family."



"You have my word on that,"  Donna says.  She walks over to her brother and kisses him. "Despite what you've done, I still love you, Peter.  You will always be my brother.  Take care of yourself."


"I will, and you do the same."


Donna kisses Peter on the cheek, then quickly turns and leaves the room.  As Donna, Marley, and Eric get into the rented car Marley is driving, three police cars suddenly converge on the

motel's parking lot, blocking them from being able to leave.


"Oh my God, what the hell?"  Eric wonders aloud.  


"How did the police get here?"  Donna asks.  "How did they know Peter was here."


"I have no idea,"  Marley says.


"Marley, did you call the police?"


"NO, of course not!"


"She didn't,"  says Eric.  


Two police officers quickly jump out of their vehicles, weapons drawn, and point them at Marley's car.  "Okay, get OUT of the vehicle with your hands up!"  The officer orders.


The three look at each other, terrified of what was happening.  Meanwhile, inside his motel room, Peter hears the commotion outside and rushes to the window, peaking through the blinds.  "Oh dear God," he says to himself upon seeing the parking lot flooded with police cars, blue lights flashing.


"PETER LOVE,"  comes the voice of a male officer over the bullhorn.  "PETER LOVE, WE KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE!  WE HAVE YOU SURROUNDED! COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS UP!"


Peter begins to realize that he has nowhere to hide and nowhere else to run.  He again peaks through the blinds and sees Donna, Marley, and Eric being handcuffed.  Peter begins to crying, knowing that he could not let his son nor Donna go down as an accomplice.




Meanwhile, outside, Donna, Marley, and Eric look on, each of them hoping Peter would surrender before he is harmed.  "Dad!!"  Eric yells toward his father's room. "Dad, PLEASE! Please do what they say!  Please, Dad!!"


Left with no choice now, Peter, tears running down his face, slowly open the door.  A bright spotlight is pointed toward him, almost blinding him.  He stands there for a moment, transfixed, his life as he had known it now over.  Then he takes a step out of the room, raising his hands above his head.  As Donna, Marley, and Eric watch, several officers descend on Peter, force him to the ground, and handcuff him.  


"Peter Love, you're under arrest,"  one officer says as Peter is handcuffed and forced to stand.  "For the murder of Brittany Ewing.  You have the right to remain silent.  Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.  You have the right to an attorney......"


As his rights are being read, Peter is led to an awaiting patrol car, a tearful Donna, Eric, and Marley watching.  Peter is placed into a patrol car, which then drives off, headed toward police headquarters.


"Okay, you three,"  an officer says, approaching Donna, Marley, and Eric.  "You're comin' down to the station, and after questioning, we'll decide if we're gonna charge you as accomplices in helpin' Peter Love escape."


"How did you find us?"  Donna asks.


"The motel manager recognized Love from his picture on TV, and called us.  Okay, let's go,"  the officer says as he leads the Loves to another patrol car.

The Wentworth mansion....

 Katelyn walks into the Wentworth mansion that night, tears still in her eyes from crying over Jimmy Beaumont.  Katherine and Austin are sitting in the living room, while Brian is standing in the middle of the room holding his gun.  


"Katie, what's wrong?"  Brian asks his sister.  


"Nothing," she says, wiping her tears.


Brian walks over to her.  "Date not go well?"


"Brian, I don't wanna talk about it, so just drop it."


"Okay, fine."


"So what's been going on here?"  Katelyn asks. 


"Mommy and bro and I have just been getting to know each other a lot better, right, guys?"  Brian asks with a smirk.  "We've just been having fun."


"Yeah, sure, LOADS of fun,"  Austin says sarcastically.  


Brian looks at him.  "Ya didn't say that like ya meant it, bro.  Don't tell me you haven't been enjoying yourself as much as I have. How about you, Mom?  Having fun yet?"


Katherine looks at him, but says nothing, then turns her attention to her daughter. "Katelyn, what is it?  You seem upset."


"I've had better evenings,"  Katelyn replies.


"Would you like to talk about it?"


"No, not really."


"It might help,"  says Katherine.  


"What the hell is going on here?"  Brian asks.  "Are you trying to play 'mother' after all these years?  Katie, don't fall for it.  She's just playing you."


"I'm not,"  Katherine says.  "I'm genuinely interested in what's going on.  Katie, it always helps to talk about it."


Katelyn looks at Katherine and pauses a moment.  "I was seeing this guy.  I was really into him, and I thought he was really into me, too.  I've liked him for almost a year and a half.  Turns out he never really cared for me at all."


"Oh, for crying out loud!" Brian says with disgust that his sister is confiding in their estranged mother.


"So what happened?"  Katherine asks.  "Another woman?"


"Yeah.  TWO other women, actually.  I tried everything I could to get Jimmy to care for me as much as I cared for him but nothing worked."


"Then it's his loss,"  Katherine says.  "You're a very beautiful girl."


"Obviously Jimmy Beaumont doesn't think so," Katelyn says, wiping her tears.  


"Jimmy........Beaumont?"  Katherine asks, recognizing the name.




"Isn't that James Beaumont's son?"  


"That's right.  And J.R. Ewing's grandson," replies Katelyn.  "Yes, I know all about your history with the Ewings, and I knew that Jimmy was J.R. Ewing's grandson."


"I see."


Brian smiles.  "Kinda funny, isn't it?  A long time ago, you were madly in love with Bobby Ewing.  So madly in love that you decided that if you couldn't have him, you weren't about to let anyone else have him, either.  And now, all these years later, your daughter fell hard for ANOTHER member of the Ewing clan, Bobby's brother's grandson.  What do you think of that, Mom?"


"I think Jimmy Beaumont is a fool."


"Katie, don't you fall for this load of bull,"  Brian says.  "This woman is only trying to get you to let your guard down with her.  Don't let her fool you."


"It's not true,"  Katherine says.  "I do care.  Katelyn, you're still my daughter, no matter what.  And Brian, you're my son.  All three of you, here in this room, are my children."


"Yeah, well, too bad you only decided to keep and love one of us,"  Brian says.  


"I already told you.  I had to make a choice."


"Yeah.  A choice not to let our father get his hands on us and corrupt us.  But let's take a look at your other son.  The one our father DID get to raise."  Brian walks over to a table and picks up a tablet.  Turning it on, he pulls up a web page........Jonathon Lord's Facebook page.  

 "From the looks of his social media, big brother looks pretty happy and well adjusted," Brian continues.  "Unlike the three of us.  So you had to make a choice, which you did.  Only, your choice wasn't so good for your triplets.  The one you raised had a miserable life, and the two you gave away......for our 'own good'........had an even worse life.  Guess you'll never win any awards for mother of the year."


"Alright, that's enough,"  Katherine says, standing.  "I've heard enough of this.  Brian, I am VERY sorry that you had such a terrible life.  I truly am.  And that goes for you, too, Katelyn. Sometimes in life, we have choices to make, and we can never know whether it's the right choice or not until later, when we can look back in hindsight.  I know that I made some terrible mistakes with my children, ALL of them.  I know that I'm a terrible mother.  But there's absolutely nothing I can do to change the past.  If there was, believe me, I would.  I can't do a thing about the kind of childhood you had.  But I can be a mother to you now."


"Now?"  Brian asks.  "NOW?  We're 23-years-old.  It's a little late to start playing Mommy, don't you think?"


"If it is too late, then it's time for you to grow up," Katherine says.  "I take full responsibility for your terrible childhoods. I made some terrible choices that I will regret until the day that I die.  But you are adults now, and I am NOT responsibile for your actions.  Just as I had to make a choice, you had a choice to overcome the hardships of your childhood and make something of yourselves.  Both of you.  But instead, Brian, you let the anger and the bitterness eat away at you until now it's totally consumed you."


"You're lecturing ME on letting anger and bitterness consume me?"  Brian asks.  "That's rich.  A woman so consumed by hate that she tried to murder the man who refused to return her so called love."


"I was sick back then,"  Katherine says.  "Just as you are now."


"You're right.  I'm sick.  Sick of people like you and people like Austin who have it all.  You almost killed Bobby Ewing a couple of times, you skipped bail, stayed on the run for thirty years, and then you get pardoned and come back here to resume your life like nothing happened.  Must be nice having all that money and power to do whatever the hell you want and get away with anything, including murder."


"If it's money you want, then you can have it,"  says an angry Austin.  "I'll give both of you a third of whatever my inheritance is because I don't give a damn anymore.  I see what money does to people.  What the love and lust for money does."


"So you're saying you don't want the Wentworth and Lord fortunes anymore?"  Brian asks.


"If you want it.......it's yours."


Brian looks at him for a moment.  "That offer is very tempting, brother.  Except for one thing.  I'm wanted for murder.  So I don't see me running Wentworth Industries anytime in the near future."


"No. but you could have enough money to get far away from here.  Out of the country, where the authorities couldn't reach you,"  says Katherine.  "Brian, stop this now, and I will get you safely out of the country, tonight.  Because if you stay here, it's only a matter of time before the police will find you."


"Brian, she has a point,"  Katelyn says.


"What?  You, too?"


Katelyn walks over to her brother.  "Brian, listen to me.  As much as I hate to admit it, Katherine is right.  The longer you stay here, the less your chances are of getting away."


"Brian, you know that I have a LOT of money, and a private jet at my disposal to take you anywhere in the world."


"No.  It's a trick,"  says Brian.  "You're just trying to set me up.  I take this generous offer of yours, I go to get on that plane, and hordes of cops descend on me like flies on honey."


"I would NEVER do that to one of my children."


"Yeah.  And I'm supposed to take the word of Katherine Wentworth?"


"You keep hanging around here, this is gonna end bad, bro,"  says Austin.  "The cops are eventually gonna track you down, connect you and Katelyn, and when that happens not only are you gonna go down but you're gonna take her down with you."


"Is that what you want, Brian?"  Katherine asks.  "To drag your sister down in this mess, too?"


"No, of course not!"  Brian says angrily.  


"Well that's exactly what's gonna happen,"  says Austin.  


"Or I could just kill both you and Mommy here, and then leave!"


"But you're not gonna do that,"  Katherine says.  


"How the hell do you know what I'm gonna do?"  Brian asks.  "Maybe I will.  Starting with your precious Austin, here."   As Katherine and Katelyn look on in horror, Brian points the gun directly at Austin's head, his finger on the trigger.  


"Brian, STOP!"  Katelyn yells.  "Just.......STOP!  No more.  This has gone too far.  You can't do this."


"Why the hell NOT?"


"He's our brother!"








"Our brother?  You wanted revenge on these people every bit as much as I did!"



"That was before,"  Katelyn says in tears.  "Brian, I didn't know it was gonna be like this.  I didn't know innocent people were gonna die.  I didn't know I was gonna have to watch my brother become a murderer.  Brian, please!  I'm scared for you.  You are all I have in this world, and the cops find you, I'm terrified of what'll happen.  Brian......I don't wanna see my brother in jail, or worse......dead.  I couldn't bear that."


By now, listening to his sister, Brian has tears streaming down his face.  "Katie, I'm so sorry. My God, I never meant to drag you into this.  I never should've come here after I left California."


"I'm glad that you did."


"I'm so sorry, Katie.  For everything."


"Brian,"  Katherine says.  "Please, just take the money I'm offering you, and go.  You can have use of the Wentworth jet.  It can take you anywhere you wanna go."


"And I'll come with you,"  Katelyn says.


"No,"  Brian says quickly.  "I'm not gonna drag you any further into this mess."


"I wanna come with you."


"Katie, I'm wanted for murder.  The murder of three people.  NO way am I gonna let you get any deeper than you already are."  Brian looks at Katherine.  "You're really serious about wanting to help me?"  He asks.


"Yes,"  replies Katherine.  


"Good,"  Brian says, handing Katherine her cell phone he had taken from her hours earlier.  "So what about your pilot, if you let me use your plane?  What's to stop him from turning me in?"


"Jeffrey won't.  I'll pay him whatever he asks,"  Katherine says.


"Then call him,"  Brian says.  "Tell him to get ready for a passenger.  But, just remember when you're talking to him.........you hold my brother's life in your hands."  Brian again points the gun at Austin's head.  "After you call him, you and Katie are gonna go and get some money.  I think about $5 million should do very nicely."


"I can't get that kind of money this late on a Saturday night."


"Damn, Saturday night, I forgot,"  Brian says.  "First thing in the morning, then.  In the meantime, everyone just get comfortable.   Austin, looks like we'll all be spending another night together."


Katherine and Austin exchange worried looks.  

Southfork....the next morning

 The next morning, Bobby, Ann, Lucy, Lucas, Heather, and Michael are having breakfast by the pool when John Ross and Krystina come out of the house and join them.


"Well, there's the happy parents to be,"  Bobby says.


"Good mornin', you two," Ann says as they take their seats.


"Good morning."


"Krystina, you already have that pregnancy glow," says Heather.


"What's a pregnancy glow?"  Michael asks.


"I'll explain it to ya later, sweety."


"John Ross, I didn't have a chance to congratulate the two of you last night,"  Lucas says.  "But I'm happy for you both."


"Thank you, Lucas,"  says a smiling Krystina.


"I appreciate that, cousin,"  John Ross says.


"I'm just sorry that Sue Ellen's bad news had to come at the same time as your good news," Bobby says.


"Yeah, so am I,"  John Ross agrees.


"Have you spoken to your mother this mornin'?"  Ann asks.


"I called before we came out here, but Catlin said she was still asleep.  She was up late last night, all upset about Dusty Farlow."


"Dusty meant an awful lot to Sue Ellen,"  says Bobby.  "And I think one of the things that hurts most for her now is the fact that she never got to say goodbye to Dusty, the way he left."


"Where are Alex and Shawn?"  Lucy asks.


"Still asleep,"  Krystina replies.


"Yeah, you know how teenage boys are on a Sunday mornin',"  John Ross says.  "Near 'bout impossible to get outta bed."



"You're a fine one to talk,"  Bobby says.  "As I recall you were near about impossible to get out of bed on any day of the week."


"That was before he became a responsible business man," Krystina says.  


"Have you talked to Christopher since he and Courtney left for California, Uncle Bobby?"  John Ross asks.


"Yeah, I talked to him last night.  He and Courtney aren't quite sure how long they're gonna be in L.A.  Oh, by the way, John Ross, and Lucas, in the next couple weeks we're gonna need to move some of our cattle from Two Stick Pasture over to Section 30, where they'll have more water during the hot, dry summer.  So, I was thinkin', maybe when Christopher gets back us Ewing men can have us an old fashioned cattle drive and do it ourselves."


"A cattle drive?"  John Ross asks.  "You mean out on the ranch, herdin' cattle in the hot summer sun?"


"Yeah, John Ross, that's usually how it's done,"  Bobby replies with sarcasm.


"I might be busy that day."


"Come on, John Ross, it sounds like fun,"  Lucas says.  "Give us Ewing men a chance to do some real male bonding."


"Well, I think that's a good idea,"  Heather says.


"So do I,"  agrees Bobby.  "Been a long time since we've all done somethin' together like that."


John Ross looks at his uncle and manages a slight smile, although he was in no way looking forward to a cattle drive in the scorching June sun.  

The Wentworth mansion....

 A tied up Austin sits in a chair in the Wentworth living room that morning while Brian paces restlessly around the room.  Finally, Austin has had enough of it.


"God, would you stop that pacing back and forth?"  Austin angrily asks.  


"Why don't you just shut up?  You'd think they would've been back by now."


"I'm sure they're on their way,"  says Austin.  


"Yeah you'd better hope so, brother."


"Brother,"  Austin says.  "Funny thing is, growing up, I always wanted a brother.  I guess it really IS true that you should be careful what you wish for."


"What, you mean this hasn't been fun for ya?  Getting to know your long lost brother?"


"A root canal would've been more enjoyable," replies Austin.  


Brian laughs.  "Great sense of humor.  Well, no worries, man.  You still have two more brothers that I'm sure are a lot more fun to spend time with than I am.  So tell me.  Tell me about our younger brother, ummm.......Alex Lord.  What's the kid like?  Since you've met him and I haven't."


"Typical 17-year-old, I guess.  Don't really know him that well."


Brian takes a seat on the sofa across from Austin.  "Hell of a family we have here, isn't it? Siblings who've never met.  Who don't even know about each other's existence.  Parents who don't even know about some of their kids because the other parent hid them away.  A psycho mother with a history of crazy behavior."


"A psycho brother who holds you at gunpoint," Austin adds.


Tears running down his face, Brian looks at Austin.  "And what do you think MADE me this way?"


"You made yourself this way, bro.  But it doesn't have to be like this.  Brian, I can see that you're not an evil person.  You're just REALLY mixed up, and even scared right now."


"You don't know a damned thing about me,"  Brian says.


"Oh yeah.  I do.  They say that twins can sense what's going on with each other.  What each other is feeling and stuff.  I guess that's true of triplets, too.  I feel your pain.  I feel your fear. I see those tears, and I know that you're in absolute agony over the terrible things that you've done.  Over the lives that you took."


"Just shup the hell up!"  Brian says, standing to his feet and pointing the gun at his brother.  "Shut up before I blow a hole in you."


"You're not gonna do that,"  says Austin.  "You've had plenty of opportunity to kill me if that's what you really wanted."


"Best thing you can do right now is shut your damned mouth."


"If you think it'll make you feel any better to blow my brains out then just DO IT!  Do it and stop making threats!"


Brian places his finger on the trigger, the gun pointed directly at Austin's forehead as Austin's heart pounds with fear.

Meanwhile....downtown Dallas

 Katherine and Katelyn are walking out of a building in downtown Dallas, Katherine placing an envelope full of cash into her purse.  


"Well, that was easier than I thought,"  Katelyn says.  "Must be nice to have a name and that kind of money.  Need a couple million, just go to the bank on a Sunday morning and get it."


"Money does have its advantages,"  says Katherine.  


"Come on, let's get back to the house, and on the way, you're gonna call your pilot and give him instructions."


The two women walk back to Katelyn's car, parked on the street in front of the building, and get into the car, Katherine taking the driver's seat.  After starting the car, she looks at the young woman.  "Katelyn, I'm curious."


"About what?"


"Your last name.  Spencer. Where did that come from?"  Katherine asks.


"I made it up.  Well, not really.  When I left the Mannings when I was 18, I didn't want their name anymore.  Neither Brian nor I did.  So, we both decided to change our names."


"Then why not use the same last name?  Because when you started this plot to find your family and get revenge, the two of you didn't wanna be connected?"


"No.  It kinda worked out that way later, but, that's not why we chose different last names. Do you watch the soaps?"


"Do I what?"  Katherine asks.


"Do you watch the daytime soaps?" 




"I love the soaps.  The Young And The Restless and The Bold And The Beautiful have always been my favorites.  So, I took my last name from a character on The Bold And The Beautiful.  Bill Spencer."


Katherine smiles.  "You took your name from a character on a soap opera?"


"Yeah, I did.  Bill Spencer is played by an actor named Don Diamont, and I've always had a crush on him, since I was a little girl.  And, I liked that name, Spencer.  Katelyn Spencer, I thought it sounded nice.  So I legally changed it.  I know, you think that's the dumbest thing you've ever heard."


"No, I don't,"  Katherine says.  "I think it's kind of cute."


"Well, come on.  Let's get back to the house."


"Yes,"  Katherine says as they drive off.

Sue Ellen's home....

 Catlin and his sister Blaine are in the kitchen of Sue Ellen's home late that morning, Catlin on his phone.  When the person he is calling fails to answer, Catlin hangs up in anger.  


"Still no answer?"  Blaine asks.


"No.  And I'm worried.  The way Marley sounded yesterday when she called me and asked if I'd heard from Donna......"


"You don't think they're with Peter, do you?"  


"What am I supposed to think?"  Catlin asks, as Sue Ellen walks into the kitchen.  


"Well, good morning,"  Blaine says.


"Sue Ellen, you're up,"  says Catlin.  


"Why didn't you wake me?"  Sue Ellen asks.  "It's been a long time since I've slept this late."


"You were awake until pretty late last night, so I wanted you to get your rest."


"Sue Ellen, Catlin told me about Dusty Farlow,"  Blaine says.  "I'm so sorry."


"Thank you, Blaine,"  says Sue Ellen.  "I think I'm still in shock from the news."


"What about a funeral or memorial service?"  Blaine asks.


"Dusty's attorney and friend is going to call me back with arrangements.  Dusty use to tell me that he wanted to be buried at the Southern Cross Ranch, where he grew up and spent so many happy moments.  I'm not sure how that will work now with someone else owning the ranch."


"I'm sure Dusty probably made arrangements,"  Catlin says.


"Yes.  Have you heard anymore about Donna Love?"


"No, I haven't and I have to say, I'm worried.  I think I'm going to go over to the Omni Hotel and see if I can talk to Marley or Donna in person, IF Donna has surfaced."


"You don't think she's with Peter, do you?"  Sue Ellen asks.


"I don't know.  If she is......"


"Catlin, Donna Love is a lot of things, but I can't see her helping her brother escape from a murder charge,"  says Blaine.  "Maybe 25 years ago, but not now."


"What if she had no choice?"  Catlin asks as the sound of the doorbell can be heard.  "Peter is on the run.  He's scared, and he's desperate.  In a situation like that, no one is safe, not even family."


"Sue Ellen, do you want some coffee?"  Blaine asks.


"I'd love some."


"I just made a fresh pot."


Blaine's husband, Sandy Cory walks into the room.  "Hi," he says.


"Sandy, hi,"  says Catlin.  


"Honey, what's going on?"  Blaine asks.


"You haven't heard the news?"  


"No, what news?"  Catlin asks.


"I heard it on the car radio on my way back from the store just now.  Peter Love has been arrested, finally.  It happened last night out near Love Field."


"Oh, thank God,"  Blaine says.


"Well, that's certainly a relief,"  says Sue Ellen.


"It sure is,"  says Catlin.  "Now that son of a bitch is going to pay for what he did to Brittany, and to Sue Ellen."

The Omni Hotel....

Donna, Marley, and Eric walk into Donna's suite at the Omni Hotel.  A relieved Bridget McKinnon rushes into the living room to greet them.  "Grandmother, Aunt Marley, thank God you're back.  I was worried sick."


"Everything's alright, sweetheart,"  Donna says, hugging her granddaughter.


"What happened?" Bridget asks.  "I couldn't really understand what you were saying when you called me last night."


"Peter was arrested,"  Marley says.  "And the police detained the three of us all night, waiting to decide whether or not they were gonna file charges against us for obstruction of justice."


"They aren't, are they?"


"No,"  replies Eric.  "My Dad told them we had nothing to do with it."


"Yes, Peter promised a full confession to Brittany's murder, in exchange for the police letting the three of us go."


"So now we're free, while my father spends the rest of his life in prison,"  says a distraught Eric.


"It's his own fault,"  Bridget says.


"Bridget!"  Donna says.


"I'm sorry, Grandmother, but it's true.  Uncle Peter got himself into this mess.  He killed C.J.'s mother in cold blood.  At least he did one decent thing and told the cops the truth that you were NOT trying to help him."


"Eric,"  Donna says.


"She's right," the young man says sadly.  "She's right.  My father is a cold blooded killer, and I just have to somehow accept that.  This......C.J.......that's Brittany Ewing's son?"


"Yeah, Catlin Ewing, Jr.," Bridget says.


"I feel so bad for him.  I feel even worse knowing that my father killed his mother."


Unable to control her tears, Donna begins crying, then rushes into the bedroom, closing the door behind her, leaving Marley, Eric, and Bridget to wonder what had her so upset all of a sudden.  But what has Donna in tears is the knowledge that Peter's victim, Brittany, was not only C.J. Ewing's mother, but also Eric's mother as well.  Donna feared how Eric would react when he finds out the truth.

Calvary Hill Funeral Home...early afternoon

 Later, a large crowd of mourners gather at Calvary Hill Funeral Home in Dallas to pay their last respects and support the family of the late Agnes Smithfield, who had passed away two days earlier.  As Jay and Jill chat with Jay's parents David and Susan Smithfield, Bobby, Ann, John Ross, and Krystina walk up to them.


"Hello, Jay,"  Bobby says.


"Oh, hi, Bobby,  Ann,"  Jay says.


"David, I'm so sorry about your mother,"  says Bobby.  


"Thank you, Bobby,"  David Smithfield says. "I really appreciate that, and really appreciate y'all comin'."


"Yes, thank you all,"  says Susan Smithfield.


"I didn't know your mother all that well, but, Harv was a wonderful friend to my family for so many years."


"Dad was always real fond of the Ewings, too,"  David says.  "He always use to tell me that Jock Ewing was his very first client when he graduated from law school way back in the 30s.  Sam Culver, in fact, was the one who recommended my Dad to Jock because Sam was leavin' his law practice to go try his hand at politics, and Jock needed a good lawyer."


Bobby laughs.  "Yeah, and I remember my Daddy sayin' that he wasn't too sure about Harv at first because he was just a green kid fresh outta college, but, he trusted Sam's recommendation, and he and Harv built a friendship and a business relationship that lasted the rest of my Daddy's life.  I know you're gonna miss your Mama."


"We all are,"  says David.  "But,  we have a lot to be thankful for.  My Mom was 95-years-old, and she lived a good, long life.  Spent over 50 years married to the man she loved, and she had a pretty decent family, too."


As Jill and Jay chat with John Ross and Krystina, Jill looks over her husband's shoulder and sees a very familiar face in the crowd.  "Excuse me," she says.  "Jay, I'll be right back."


"Yeah, sure, Jill."


She walks away from the group and makes her way through the crowd over to where Detective Craig Anderson is standing.  "Craig?"


 "Jill, hello,"  Craig says.  "It's been a long time."


"Yes, it sure has.  I didn't realize that you knew the Smithfields."


"Well, I only know Jay Smithfield,"  Craig says.  "But my grandparents knew Jay's grandparents Harv and Agnes very well.  Umm, I had no idea that you knew the Smithfields, either."


"Well, actually, I'm one of them,"  says Jill.  "I'm married to Jay."


"Oh, really?  Wow.  Small world.   I had no idea.  I guess I should pay more attention to the newspapers.  I'm sure the marriage of Jay Smithfield to the daughter of Wilson and Kimberly Cryder made all the papers."


"Yes, it did.  Only, not the marriage of the daughter of Wilson and Kimberly Cryder.  The marriage of the daughter of Kimberly Cryder and J.R. Ewing."


"Excuse me?  J.R. Ewing?"  Craig asks.


"Yes.  My biological father."


"Your real father was J.R. Ewing?  Wow, that......that really IS amazing.  Well, then that makes you Jock Ewing's granddaughter.  Jock was my grandfather's best friend for almost 50 years."


"I know."


Craig smiles.  "It's crazy we didn't know that in high school when we were, uh......"


"Craig,"  Jay says, walking up to his wife and the detective.  


"Jay, hi.  I'm really sorry about your grandmother."


"Thanks, man, I appreciate it,"  Jay says. "And thank you for being here.  Umm, do you two know each other?"


Craig looks at Jill and smiles.  "Yes, we do.  Your wife and I went to high school together."


"Really?  I didn't know that.  Honey, why didn't you tell me?"


"I had no reason to,"  replies Jill.  "I didn't know that you knew Craig."


"Jill was a year behind me in school, but, we knew each other.  Very well, in fact,"  Craig says, his words making Jill obviously uncomfortable.


"Excuse me,"  David Smithfield says, walking up to them.  "Jay, Jill, it's almost time to start.  They want the family in the viewing room in two minutes."


"Okay, Dad,"  Jay says.  "Jill?"


"I'll be right there.  I wanna ask Craig about someone from high school."


"Okay.  See you in a minute,"  Jay says, then walks away.


Craig looks at Jill and smiles. "So, who is it you wanna ask me about?"


"No one.  Look, Craig, now that I know you and my husband are...acquainted .....let's just get something straight.  I'd rather that Jay not know just how well you and I knew each other in high school."


"So, I take it you never told Jay about your.......past,"  Craig says.


"No.  And I have no intention of ever telling him.  That was a long time ago, and that period of my life, and YOU, are both a part of my past that I'd rather forget."


"You sure you can forget it that easy?  Especially seeing one another again?"


"Yes.  I can, and I WILL,"  Jill says.  She looks at him for a couple of seconds, then turns and 

 walks away as Craig watches her.  "Well, well," he says quietly to himself.  "Jillian Cryder.  Small world."


Across the room, Dylan manages to find a quiet corner away from the crowd.  reaching into his coat pocket, he takes out a small flask, opens it, and takes a sip of vodka.  He takes two more sips, just as Alex walks by and sees him.  Alex watches as Dylan takes a forth sip of the vodka, then slips the flask back into his pocket.  Alex smiles, as Dylan remains unaware that he was being watched.

 Meanwhile, Conner walks up to his brother.  "Dylan, I've been looking all over for you."


"I'm just right here,"  Dylan says.


"Are you okay?"


"Yeah, I'm fine,"  Dylan replies.  "Considering that we're about to bury my grandmother."


"Your Mom and Todd were looking for you," says Conner.  "I think they're getting ready to begin the service and they want all your family together."


"Family.  Together,"  Dylan says.  "Together isn't exactly how I would describe my family."  Dylan starts to walk away.


"Dylan, are you sure you're okay?"  Conner asks, grabbing his brother by the arm.


"Depends on how you define 'okay'," Dylan replies, then walks away, leaving Conner worried about him yet again.  


As Conner turns and walks toward the chapel, Alex stands nearby, smiling deviously.  Obviously Dylan didn't want his brother to know he was drinking.

Jimmy's apartment....

  Jimmy walks up the steps to his apartment that afternoon, returning from a jog.  He reaches down and picks up the Sunday paper, then unlocks his door, and goes into the apartment.  He tosses the paper onto the sofa, then walks into the kitchen to get a bottle of water from the refrigerator.  He opens the bottle, takes a sip, then returns to the living room, where he picks up his remote and switches on the TV.  As he slips off his shoes, the news is on.....


"Peter Love, the prominent businessman who had been wanted in connection with the New Year's Eve murder of Brittany Ewing, was arrested last night as he held up in the Love Field Inn near the airport,"  the news anchor says.  


Jimmy takes a seat on the sofa and props his feet up on the coffee table as he takes another sip of his water.  Not really interested in the news, he points the remote at the TV, but then, the next story catches his attention.


"In other news, police in the Dallas-Fort Worth area continue their search for 23-year-old Brian Manning, also known as Brian Jeffries, who is a suspect in a bombing attack almost a year ago on the home of San Francisco businessman and newspaper publisher Richard Channing.  The bombing killed three people, Pilar Ortega Cumson, Rev. John Parrish, and Mark Smith, brother of Ann Ewing, wife of Dallas oilman Bobby Ewing.  Manning, who goes 

by the name of Brian Jeffries, was last seen in the Dallas area and it is believed he may still be somewhere in the vicinity.  Police are asking anyone with information on Brian Manning to please contact the Dallas Police Department, or the Dallas County Sheriff's Department immediately.  Police also stress that no one should attempt to approach Manning, as he is considered armed and dangerous."

 Jimmy is stunned as he looks at Brian's photo on the television.  He remembers seeing the photo of Katelyn and a guy at her apartment a while back, a guy Katelyn claimed was her ex-boyfriend.  Jimmy recognizes Brian.  "Oh my God," he says.  "That's the guy in that photo with Katie.  What the hell?  It's the same guy.  I know it is."  Jimmy switches off his TV, then slips his shoes on and hurries out of his apartment.

The Wentworth mansion....

 "Wow,"  Brian says after thumbing through the envelope of cash Katherine gave him.  "Never seen that much money in my life.  Thanks, Mom."


"All the arrangements have been made,"  says Katherine.  A car will arrive and take you to a private air strip, where you'll board the Wentworth jet."


"I'm still not sure I can trust you."


"Brian, you're my son, I would never do anything to betray you."


"Yeah, says the woman who gave me away like a piece of clothing the day I was born."


"I'm helping you get away."


"Only because I pose a threat to you and your precious baby boy here,"  Brian says.


"That's not true.  Look, just as soon as Katelyn comes back from getting that burner phone from her apartment, and getting you some clothes, you can leave and be free."


"Maybe, maybe not.  But I think I need to have some insurance, to make sure that I get out of Dallas."


"What do you mean?"  Katherine asks.


"I mean when I leave here.........my brother is coming with me."


"What?  No, that wasn't part of our deal."


"Our deal has changed, Mom,"  Brian says.  "Truth is, I just don't trust you to keep your word.  So Austin is coming with me to make sure that you DO keep your word.  Anything happens to me, or any sign of trouble, I don't want to, but I WILL kill him."


A frightened Katherine looks from Brian to Austin, who returns his mother's fearful gaze.

Katelyn's apartment....

Katelyn comes out of her bedroom, carrying the cell phone she had purchased a few nights earlier for Brian to use when he left town.  She walks to the door of her apartment, and as she is about to leave, she opens the door and comes face to face with Jimmy.


"What are you doing here, Jimmy?"  She asks.  


"We need to talk.  Now."


"I thought we said everything that needed to be said last night."


"Not everything.  We didn't talk about Brian Manning,"  Jimmy says.


Katelyn's heart sinks.  "Who?  I don't know what you're talking about."


"Cut the lies, Katie.  Brian Manning.  He's the guy wanted in California for blowing up Richard Channing's house last year.  Half of my family was in that house, Katie.  And this Manning is the same guy I saw in that picture with you.  The guy you said was your ex-boyfriend.  Now I want some answers.  Are you connected to this Manning guy?"


"Come on,"  Katelyn says.  "Come in and I'll explain everything."


Jimmy walks past her and into the apartment.  Katelyn quickly closes the door, and just as Jimmy starts to turn around to face her, Katelyn grabs a small lamp from a table beside the door and hits Jimmy over the head with it as hard as she can.  Not even knowing what hit 

him, Jimmy is immediately knocked unconscious and falls to the floor, his head bleeding from the blow.  


"Jimmy?"  Katelyn calls to him.  "Jimmy?"  She puts the lamp down, then kneels beside Jimmy, gently touching his face.

Katelyn begins to cry.  "Jimmy?  Dear God, Jimmy, what did you make me do?  What did I do?  I've killed him.  Oh dear God in Heaven," she cries as she looks down at Jimmy's motionless body on the floor....








                                                           ALSO STARRING



                       as Catlin Ewing



                       as Conner Ewing



                       as Courtney Wapner Ewing



                       as Heather McCabe Ewing



                       as Michael Ewing



                       as Austin Wentworth



                       as Katelyn Spencer



                       as Brian Jeffries



                       as Adam Reed



                       as Jennifer Reed



                       as Jacob Reed



                       as Peter Love



                        as Donna Love



                        as Marley Hudson



                         as Bridget McKinnon



                          as Eric Love



                          as Jay Smithfield



                          as David Smithfield



                          as Susan Bennett Smithfield



                          as Detective Craig Anderson



                          as Blaine Ewing Cory



                          as Sandy Cory



                          as Dylan Baxter




                          as Katherine Wentworth Channing



           In Loving Memory



     Jared Christopher Martin

  (December 21, 1941 - May 24, 2017)

Write a comment

Comments: 16
  • #1

    Sara Duckworth (Saturday, 17 June 2017 22:04)

    Oh my gosh!!! So much suspense and so much happening. I couldn't believe I actually read it so fast. Time definitely flies by when you're having fun. Good episode!!! I hope Katelyn can talk sense into Brian, but if Jimmy is dead I'm not sure how that is going to work out. I'm glad Peter was caught and arrested. I feel sorry for Donna keeping the truth about Brittany was Eric's mother bottled up inside her. I really am enjoying seeing Katherine's good side. I feel sorry for her and Austin being in this mess. I hope Katherine can at least get Brian to calm down and assure him she won't give him away. I believe Katherine really does love Katelyn and Brian. I can't believe Jimmy went back after what Katelyn threatened to do to him after he confessed his feelings toward her. Real smart move there! lol I'm really anxious to see the rest of the missing characters show up soon.

  • #2

    Brian (Sunday, 18 June 2017 03:18)

    Wow that was good can't wait for more thanks John you are a top notch writer of DALLAS

  • #3

    Karen Duckworth (Sunday, 18 June 2017 08:02)

    Just the type of continued Ewing drama we original Dallas fans know and love!!
    Especially enjoyed the video segment when Dusty first met Sue Ellen. Can tell more great drama on the way
    Keep 'em coming! !

  • #4

    ChrisH. (Sunday, 18 June 2017 08:30)

    Absolutely great episode!

  • #5

    Linda Carman (Monday, 19 June 2017 11:04)

    Great episode. Love all the suspense

  • #6

    Julia Cherri (Monday, 19 June 2017 11:35)

    John, this gets better with each and every episode. So much drama and excitement and questions with every episode. Please don't ever stop writing, you are the best of the best. What a story!! Can't wait for the next episode. I don't want it ever to stop. We all love you John and thank you for all your hard work. May God Keep You Safe Always.

  • #7

    Parker Bena (Tuesday, 20 June 2017 16:26)

    Somehow I knew if your cast Gerald McRaney as David Smithfield, you'd cast Delta Burke as his wife. They are married in real life.

  • #8

    Parker Bena (Tuesday, 20 June 2017 16:30)

    Lucy Hale was inspired casting as Courtney Wapner Ewing. She and Jesse Metcalfe look like a good match.

  • #9

    John Walden (Tuesday, 20 June 2017 17:35)

    @Parker.....thank you. Yep, I knew Gerald and Delta are married in real life and have been for many years. Here's an interesting tidbit for you: my Mom's first cousin use to be married to Gerald McRaney's cousin, Linda McRaney Thompson. Linda died of cancer, I think in 2010, but she and my mom's cousin had been divorced for a few years before her death. And I think Lucy and Jesse would be good together too. Also, Lucy Hale looks a little like Deborah Tranelli, who played Courtney's mother Phyllis.

  • #10

    Parker Bena (Tuesday, 20 June 2017 19:04)

    Gib Gerard is the son of Connie Sellecca, the former co-star of "Hotel" (who is now Mrs. John Tesh), and Gil Gerard, the former star of the "Buck Rogers in the 25th Century" TV series.

  • #11

    Parker Bena (Tuesday, 20 June 2017 19:16)

    Whatever happened to J.R.'s loyal assistant, Sylvia "Sly" Lovegren (played by Deborah Rennard)? She got canned in one of the non-canon "Dallas" movies - "J.R. Returns". I don't recall her ever being mentioned in the 2012 continuation.

  • #12

    Parker Bena (Tuesday, 20 June 2017 19:18)

    Delta Burke also starred in a short lived "Dallas" spoof called "Filthy Rich", which also aired on CBS.

  • #13

    John Walden (Tuesday, 20 June 2017 19:25)

    Yep, I knew Gib Gerard is the son of Connie Selleca and Gil Gerrard. I always liked Gerrard and Selleca. And as for Sly, she wasn't mentioned in the 2012 series. In fact, most original characters were not mentioned, even members of the Ewing family. But, you may be seeing Sly again very soon.

  • #14

    Parker Bena (Wednesday, 21 June 2017 21:07)

    Here's a back story for David Smithfield. Have him be a veteran of the United States Marine Corps like another character McRaney played - Major John MacGillis. He was assigned to Marine Corps Forces Afloat in Norfolk, VA and served aboard the USS Dwight D, Eisenhower (CVN 69) with then-Lieutenant Commander Patrick Jennings who was serving as the ship's Assistant Intelligence Officer. He was also a JAG lawyer. I like the idea of some of the characters being veterans since I was a veteran myself. As a matter of fact, JR Ewing was a veteran. He was a Lieutenant in the US Army and did a tour of duty in Vietnam.

  • #15

    Teri Bauguess (Tuesday, 27 June 2017 18:49)

    Finally got to sit down and read this episode, and was drawn in from the beginning. So sad for Sue Ellen ( Dusty), living how all this Wentworth "family" is playing out, hoping they don't get caught right away and please Jimmy don't be dead. Can't wait to find out Jill's secret past.

    Thanks John, loved it as usual!!

  • #16

    Kimberly (Wednesday, 28 June 2017 23:43)

    Another awesome episode John! Now Marley is meeting her uncle peter love with money to help him get out of dodge! She's about to be aiding and abiding a fugitive. But Peter love or Colin Ewins Son they both claim lol that his their son. But only Colin knows that Brittney claimed Eric as dead comes to the door. Eric is Marley's cousin and has to go with her to Meet Peter love. His just a kid that's a mistake! This is the Son that is dead right? Poor Sue Ellen were so sad with you about Dusty. Oh Man I so wanted to see John Ross and Kristina tell the family about the new Ewing grandchild but Sue Ellen talks like they already told the family. I so wanted to read about it lol. Jimmy just busted Katie about Sage but Sage is just as much Trouble as Katie too. I told you all she may or would try to add to Jimmy's Police record!!! I said a while back he needed to stay a way from Katie before he ended up In Jail again. Little History John lol You Probably know but Brittney Ewing Years a go played Lorna Devon on the old show Another world and had an on again off again relationship with guy named dean frame and was in love triangle lol with a girl name Jenna! Haha something just told me that The Loves were being followed by the police at first I wished they were well found out they weren't the motel clerk called the police but either way it doesn't matter Peter loves been arrested! Katherine wants to be mom to her kids lol. I think its to late for that! Katherine, Katie get Brian Money, the jet for him to leave the Country. Haha very Funny how she Picked her last name using soap opera characters. Yes I watch Y&R and B&B and Dool . Its Spencer from Bill Spencer as in Don Diamond lol its funny that there's a Katherine (aka Katie Logan on that that Bill Married at one point and made her Katie Spencer) Plus Katelynn is another name kind of name like Mommy Dearest Katherine's. Catlin's Right Donna will not Help her brother Peter Love get out the Country. She tried to talk him in to turning him self in to the Police. Now that Sue Ellen Has so much to me happy about the Trial Case is over her engagements rather we like it or not hahaha and a new grand child on the way, Peter love being behind bars it just sucks that Dusty passed away around the time that Sue Ellen Finally Got to being Happy Again. The police let Marley, Eric, Donna go as long as Peter love gave a full statement! Well its about time on that lol. Are Craig Anderson and Jill cousins cause he said something wish we had know that back then meaning wonder if their related in some way. Alex's know that's Dylan is Drinking at his Grandmothers Funeral. I told you all his drinking would get Worse! Tell me Katie Just didn't Kill Jimmy ... I surely hope Not! well until the Next Episode 144 I guess this is good night since its almost mid night haha such a great Episode!